S.T.A.R.T. (Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment) information
- Do the most good for the most people
- Call for help
- First call out to walking wounded to come to your voice to
get them out of disaster area
- Recruit waling wounded and spectators to help with tilting
back head or applying pressure to stop bleeding as you do the procedure below
- Determine who needs urgent help BEFORE starting treatment
- Restore breathing within 3 minutes, stop severe bleeding
within 30 minutes, get shock victim (determined by mental status in the
diagram below) stabilized / to emergency care within 3 hours
- First aid team and /or medical professionals will follow
you to do the real treatment
1. Triage

2. Mark Triaged People with Tags or Tape
Mark people clearly with tags (or masking tape on the chest
with clear marking of "I' [immediate care needed], "D" [delayed care needed), or
"DEAD" [marked Morgue on the diagram above]
Sample tags:

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