Joyce Guinyard welcomed residents, presented the meeting agenda, and introduced members of nominating committee. She also introduced Rabbi Goldberg, Principal of Ohr Eliahu Hebrew Academy where the meeting was held.
The Rabbi expressed concern for the driving habits of parents who have children enrolled in the Academy. He offered to assist in resolving the general problem, and asked that specific cases be reported to him so that he could directly confront guilty parties. He also discussed the potential for future use of the school as a polling location and the means by which that could be accomplished.
Joyce asked for additional nominations from the floor for each office: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. No additional nominations were made and office nominees present at the meeting were introduced and allowed to make brief statements. Residents were invited to cast ballots throughout the meeting until 8:00 p.m.
The plaque and card honoring the service and dedication of Mary Ann Greene were presented, and residents were invited to sign the card.
Mason Frazier discussed events and issues of direct interest to residents of Blair Hills, including the stages of development of the scenic overlook.
Residents presented some concerns and offered some ideas for resolving problems with transients, graffiti, blight on Jefferson Blvd., and reviving the tradition of annual pot luck picnics in the park.
Election results were presented. 4 Co-Presidents were elected: Don Napier, Siggi Busha, Cherie Sakai, and Joddy Boyer. Michael Colby was elected Vice President. Robert Charney was elected Secretary (thunderous applause). Elizabeth Dixon agreed to remain as treasurer for another term.
Blair Hills gives its utmost thanks to our Nominating Committee of 2005 - Joyce Guinyard, Mason Frazier, Gennie Hogg, Rosalie Kirsch and Rosie McCann - who worked for almost four months to make the 9/22/05 meeting and its outcome possible. They identified and interviewed potential board members, developed the candidate slate and facilitated the election process, organized and held the Meet-the-Candidates picnic, and scheduled, announced, and led our 9/22 neighborhood meeting where we had our election. Thanks to their efforts we had a very positive election process that resulted in our new joint and unified leadership.