Blair Hills Community Meeting Minutes - November
15, 2011
The meeting was opened by
Annie Wilson at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was held at her home because the Kenneth
Hahn Park was closed. The minutes were read by B. Carson. Correction: Because
of solar panels on Jon's roof, his electric bills are about $170.00 per year
instead of $170.00 per month as stated in the minutes. The minutes were
approved as corrected.
Beautification - Floretta reported that there are
new business tenants located at Bowcroft and Lenawee and that they have cleaned
up that area. She referred to an article in the WAVE newspaper which stated
that cameras have been installed at a cost of $250,000.00 at the Baldwin
Village Project (also known as the Jungle). Since there is a high amount of
criminal activity there, these cameras provide a 24 hour monitoring service of
the area. Floretta also reported that a mattress and some grocery carts had
been placed in front of a house on Wrightcrest. Annie asked her to call the
Culver City pick up services to remove those objects.
Treasurer Report - Ellen Greif reported a balance of $5,141.39 in the
treasury. Expenses were: picnic $466.16, greeting cards $6.56, BH meeting signs
$110.92, and refreshments for meetings $26.04.
Volunteers are needed to collect dues. It was suggested to start
collecting in February or March, 2012. Other suggestions were: (1) to e-mail
the residents about the dues, (2) to call before collecting, and/ or (3) that
the Block Captains first collect on their street. Kerri said that she will
create a format for the Block Captains to use.
Picnic- This will be held the first Saturday in August, 2012.
Annie will apply for the necessary reservations. Mary Ann suggested that we
request a PA system that can be used at the picnic. The consensus of the
members was that the BH Association will continue to provide the main dishes,
meat, and paper goods. The residents will be asked to bring the side dishes.
Traffic and Safety - There is a continuing concern about the danger of
traffic that enters La Cienega from Wrightcrest. This will be referred to the
BH Traffic committee. There is also a concern about the safety of pedestrians
walking on La Cienega due to the overhang that obstructs the sidewalk on that
street. Annie will talk to the homeowners and to the manager of the apartments
about this.
Mary Ann stated that the
Conservancy is in escrow to purchase the Eliyahu
property. The plan is to build a small structure that will include a community
center. The BH Association will be able to meet there. She is also asking for
someone to serve on the Community Advisory Panel of the LA County Planning
Commission because it is necessary for her to relinquish her position there.
Some of the duties include the reviewing of issues and complaints about the oil
fields. The meetings are the 4th Thursday of every month from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00
p.m. Mim Shapiro stated that she is
interested in this and needs one other person to attend also.
The next meeting is scheduled
to be held on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the KH Park Community Room. The
speaker at this meeting will be Karly Katona from the office of Mark Ridley Thomas. Kerri suggested
that we distribute flyers that include the agenda of the meeting to each
The meeting was adjourned at
9:10 p.m.
Carson, Recording Secretary