Blair Hills Association Meeting
May 19th, 2015 at 7:00pm
Co-President Annie Wilson called the meeting to order at 7:05
- March and April meeting minutes were
approved as read
- Discussion of approval of gift basket, funds were
- David McNeil responded to Blair Hills, neighbors
cannot have a key to the gate to scenic outlook
- There were a couple complaints about a lack of
newsletters for monthly meetings
- Kerri explained a need to go
green and not waste paper with a monthly newsletter, a lack of attendance
to meetings is probably due to the lack of issues and specific
- Newsletters go out around twice a
year for important events
- Kerri will follow up with Toby if
she would like to write the newsletter
- There was concern about residents apathy towards
attending meetings
- Kerri voiced that the best way to
tell people is word of mouth especially for general meetings
- Kerri will look into getting more
guest speakers for meetings to make them more informational
- For next meeting, each neighbor
is encouraged to invite 3 neighbors to next meeting
- Discussion of welcome kits which block captains could
hand out to new people
- Karly Katona returned from maternity leave. She will be in contact with one of Blair Hills residents when they move to the next stage
with the park project.
- Antoinette is working as a community liaison for the
park project.
- The project team is deciding on what to develop on
the property. Ideas include a
nature reserve, yoga studio, meeting place, and a voting place.
- Parking meters are being installed on Jefferson in
front of the Scenic Overlook.
- The meters will not be in front of the condos.
- Meters are 25 cent per hour. The cost is minimal to deter people from
parking further away on Holdridge.
- There was a discussion about reporting drivers making
illegal U-turns in front of overlook on Jefferson. If you see drivers making illegal turns,
call the non-emergency police number 310-837-1221.
- Neighbors can also use Culver City Connect to report
issues or complaints.
- is a great social media resource for Blair Hills neighbors.
- There was a discussion about the plumbing warranty
mailer from the city. Neighbors
need to look into this more to get more information. Contact the city first to find out that
it's not a scam.
- Rosalie mentioned there are two free Culver City
newspapers and residents should read both to know everything that's
Lenawee Project Update
- Awaiting permit from the city.
Beautification Committee Report
- Clean up is happening on Jefferson.
- Don't leave small dogs outside due to number of
reports of coyotes.
- Next city council meeting is Tuesday May 26th at
- Notice went out about 4 week long street work
happening on Bowcroft and Holdridge starting May 22nd. The project is happening in 2 phases,
tearing up the street and covering with asphalt.

- There is a free arts festival May 30 and 31 on Culver
and Maine.
- Early reminder that the Blair Hills picnic is August
was adjourned by co-president Annie Wilson at 8:25pm
Minutes submitted by Secretary, Victoria
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